Well recently there have been a lot of rumours floating around Raptor land. Some of it has some truth but most of it has no mean what so ever. So let's check out what seems real and what seems fake!
1. Raptors aiming to trade Dooling for Humphries - This rumour got started at the famous raptorschat.ca site. You can still check out the thread. The guy said he heard it from a friend who is a taxi driver. He said the taxi driver overheard Colangelo say Doolings name a bunch of times on the phone. He probably was saying to the taxi driver,"stop drooling!" haha
2. Raptors make qualifying offers to Delfino and Pops - Let's clear this up right away. Other teams can still make offers to these players. The Raptors gave them qualifying offers to retain their rights. They can match any offer that is put on the table. We all know BC wants Delfino back, but it is looking like Pops may just come out as a bailout in case some he has up his sleeve doesn't pan out. *cough*Rasho*cough*
3. Bye-Bye Joey - The Raptors did not get offered a qualifying offer. With this being said, unless BC gets desperate it is safe to say Joey Graham will not be a Raptor next season. Him and Charlie V where both drafted the same year, to the same team and now don't receive qualifying offers. There must have been something in the hats.
4. Anthony Parkers Offered A Two Year 10 Mil Dollar Contract From Olympiakos - Looks like AP is gone for good. The team is said they will match any offers made from NBA teams. AP was a great man and a great shooter. It looks like the Raptors are really going to drop from being one of the best 3 point shooting teams in the NBA to a mediocre 3 point shooting team. It is also rumoured that he may be joining the Celtics next season. Very unlikely he will be a Raptor come opening day.http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/60254/20090701/boston_interested_in_anthony_parker/
5. DeRozan to enter dunk competition next season! - Believe it or not the kid is already talking about going in the dunk comp next season in his rookie year. This kid is ballsy and I am loving it right now. He posted on his twitter for any fans out there that have dunk ideas to make a video and put it on youtube for him to see. You can also tweet Pops if you would like to.
6. Raptors show slim intrest in Ariza - According to Ariza's agent BC and co have showed interest in the stud defensive player from L.A. chances are he is going to resign with Lakers, but anything is possible!http://www.pe.com/sports/basketball/lakers/stories/PE_Sports_Local_S_lakers_30.3cd2531.html
7. With Charlie V out of the Picutre the Raptors turn their focus to Linas Kleiza - Kleiza was one of the main free agents that BC approached the eve of free agency. It makes lots of sense. We need a scorer off the bench and Kleiza will provide that. He will also come cheap and we can use the MLE money on him. I think he will be a big factor next season as the first man off the bench if he comes to TO.http://thestar.blogs.com/raptors/
8. Lebron and Bosh want to sign with the same team when free agency comes along, I'm betting it's not TO. Could Bargnani be the man down the road? By the looks of things BC has a lot of convincing to do to keep Bosh in town.http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/60196/20090630/source_lebron_bosh_plan_to_play_together/
9. Raptors are interested in Bellinelli according to Doug Smith - Now this would only happen in a trade scenario. This would only happen if Kleiza did not pan out. So let's just assume he will for now.
10. Raptors could generate a sign and trade possibility with David Lee. - Now let's clear this off at the bat. No one has publicly said that this might happen. This is a possibly which Toronto is one of the only teams who could do this. Click the Link and you will understand.http://www.cbssports.com/mcc/blogs/entry/11838893/15830179
11. Ukics unhappy being in Toronto. According to various sources from Greece, Croatia and the US, Olympiacos has made an offer to Roko Leni Ukic, worth 3,5 million euros for two years. This could be baiting teams on. Wait who I am trying to kid Ukic was stuck with us. He is our main backup for now so I think he will live with it. If not, does anyone really care?http://www.talkbasket.net/news/olympiacos-offers-ukic-a-contract.html
12. Delfino is almost certainly a raptor as well! - Well that's good news for Raps fan. If anyone remembers Delfino he was an all around stud; this guy could get to the rim, play Defence and nail the 3. I expect to see a lot of him playing the 1 and the 2 this season.http://thestar.blogs.com/raptors/
13. BC want Turk!...Not - Some reports came out today saying that the Raptors are preparing to offer Turk 60 Million for 5 years. Mind you how ridiculous that sound people still believed it. So here I will clear it up for all you believers. The Oregon paper was saying that the Raptors are a team that COULD make that type of offer to Turk. Not that they are planning to. In other words if they terminated all the contracts they could and used the early bird terms then they could sign Turk for that much. But it it not going to happen unless BC get's desperate. http://blog.oregonlive.com/behindblazersbeat/2009/07/turkoglu_coming_to_portland_fo.htmlWell
I hope this clears things up for Raptor fans, as it did for me.
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